Wednesday, April 27, 2016

10 Things That Diabetics Should Do

Are you have diabetes? Are you worried that you, your child or someone you know, may have diabetesDiabetes is a serious complex condition which can affect the entire body. Diabetes is diagnosed when a person has too much glucose (sugar) in the blood. This happens because the pancreas cannot make enough insulin. Insulin is a hormone made by one of the body's organs called the pancreas. Insulin helps your body turn blood sugar (glucose) into energy.

The number of people with diabetes has doubled in the last 15 years, and is expected to reach 48 million by the year 2050. It is believed that approximately 5.6 million people in the United States are walking around with diabetes without even knowing they have it. Most diabetics don’t experience any symptoms at all. The lack of symptoms doesn’t mean the disease isn’t serious. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness, kidney disease, leg amputations, and nerve damage in the United States. 

Here is 10 things that diabetics should do for a healthy life. The 10 things grouped into diet, sport, and suplement. Let’s see on each group.

Diet for diabetes

What kinds of food suggested for diabetes sufferer? Healthy eating is an essential part of managing diabetes. If you have diabetes, avoid foods that can spike your blood sugar levels or increase your risk of diabetes complications. Sugested foods for diabetes are:
  1. Diabetics should consume carbohydrate rich-fiber like red rices, sorghums, oats, and fresh vegetables. But, don't consume original rices, because it's rich carbohydrate but low fiber.
  2. Meat or protein low fats also suggested for your diet variation. You can enter fresh fruits in your diet menu for intermezzo. You can drink low-fats milk without adding sugar.
  3. Avoid food with high concentration of sodium (salty) and canned goods.
  4. Add many garlic, onion, and bean to your diet, this vegetables can decrease concentration of fats and sugars in the bloods (research in many University).

Oats, good for diabetes due to high fibers

Sport for diabetes

Precise sport for diabetics is walking around  thirty minutes a day, five times a week. But if you are acute diabetics, there are another kinds of sport that suggested. American diabetes association suggest that there are three balance sport for acute diabetics.
  1. Walking straight go forward or go back,
  2. Stand on tiptoes, and 
  3. Sit down and stand up form chair repeatedly or stand up with one foot and hold this position in thirty seconds, do with right and left foot alternately.

Stand on tiptoes, sport for diabetics

Suplemen for diabetes

A reason nutritional supplements for diabetes are essential is that carefully increasing your intake of nutrients that support your body’s ability to use insulin can help keep your blood sugar at healthy levels. There are three kinds of suplement suggested for diabetics. 
  1. Suplement containing zink, new study shows that zinc helps lower blood glucose and improves cholesterol levels in people with diabetes.
  2. Suplement that containing magnesium, higher magnesium intake noneuces risk of impaired glucose and insulin metabolism and slows progression from pre-diabetes to diabetes in middle-aged Americans.
  3. Suplement containing proxeronin. Proxeronin very trusted to press concentration of sugar in the bloods because this substance can repair beta-cells pancreas. If your pancreas repaired, there are hope for your body to produce much more insulin. Proxeronin can be obtained from Noni juice.
Noni fruits, your defender to diabetes
You can avoid organ damaged affected by highly sugar boods with 10 things above. What’s your opinion about the 10 things above? Are you feel difficult to do that things? If you diabetics, you should do all things above for your body health.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Do Spirulina Can heal HIV?


Spirulina known as algal that have high content of protein. It have 45-60% protein content, highest than any other algal and plant source of food. Spirulina is uniseluler algal that can only be seen clearly with microscope. It is photoshintetic organism that grows in water. Growing population of spirulina make the water colored green. In nature, it become food for fish larvae and make the fish growing rapidly because of its high protein content.

 It has high content of chlorophyll, phycocyanin, and carotenoid, also vitamin C, E, and B12. It source of calcium spirulan that has activity as antivirus agent. Because of calcium spirulan antivirus activity, spirulina potential as anti-HIV. Some preliminary research have resulted that spirulina will inhibir replication HIV in human lymphocyte-T cells.

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is RNA virus that cause AIDS in human. The virus will enter the body through liquid exchange from the sufferer. If health woman do an risk sex activity with man that positif AIDS, the virus will enter the body of woman by sperms. The vius presence in blood, but don’t presence in sweat and saliva.

AIDS are highly deadly for human, because the virus will destroy lymphocyte-T cells. The cell play important role in immune system, kill the bactery, virus, and other pathogen that enter the body. Without immune system, human body become very fragile and easy to attack by any invader. Light disease that attack AIDS sufferer can cause death.

Calcium spirulan in spirulina known in action to inhibit HIV replication. Without replication, virus can’t doubled itself and make easy for other chemical to kill the virus. But, the use of calcium spirulan in HIV suppressing activity still new and need more research to revealed the thruth. The use of calcium spirulan from spirulina still has potential to heal the AIDS, disease that known very harmfull.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

6 Common Diabetes Complications

Diabetes is a condition that someone has high sugar blood level. The condition happen because of broken of pancreas, so the pancreas don't produce insulin in enough ammount. Insulin is hormon used to enter blood sugar into the cells. If the insulin absent from blood, the sugar will still stay in the blood and raising sugar blood level.

Diabetes in severe condition can resulting some complication to the body. The complication by diabetes often causing death to the sufferer. Complication appear because sugar blood can affect some body part like blood vessel, nerve cells, and heart. Following is 6 complications found in diabetes sufferer.

Blindness is common of diabetes complication. High sugar blood will make Blood vessel around the eyes more fragile and easy to break off. If the blood vessel break off, blood will accumulated in the retina and so the retina will failed to receive lights. Retina that don't get lights means blindness. Often the blindness caused by diabetes come little by little, to results total blindness years later.

Renal failure
Hifh sugar blood level will affect the kidney, so its work will be disturbed. Sugar blood can causing renal failure, its condition that the kidney not work properly because of damage in its tissue. Kidney play important role in filter trash from the blood and throw away to the urin. If the kidney working is failure, it will increase trash ammount in the blood that become poison to the body. The main sign of renal failure is the presence of protein in the urin. Normally protein will not appear in the urin because it is important compund to the body and keep stay in the blood.

Coronary artery disease
Blood vessel in the heart called coronary artery play important role to maintain heart health. Coronary artery will flowing blood to the heart tissue that full of nutrition and oxigen. High sugar blood level may broken the coronary artery and causing coronary artery failure. Such condition will make heart lack of nutrition and oxigen that cause heart failure. Heart failure is highly making dead for human.

One of the worst complication of diabetes is stroke, condition that someone can't move their body part or all their body. Diabetes will broken the blood vessel in the brain and can cause stroke. damaging blood vessel will affect the nerve cells in brain and sometimes will make nerve cells around the broken blood vessel to dead. If the nerve cell dead, what will comand the body to moving? If the broken happe in right side of the brain, the sufferer can't move their left body side vice versa.

Numb of leg
Diaberes often causing numb of leg. The condition will make the leg less reactive to the impuls they get. The sufferer will feel less pain if there are injury in the leg. The condition will make the sufferer don't know if there is injury in their leg, it will result the infection of bacteria to the injury.

Peripheral vessel damage
Diabetes also will broken peripheral vessel of the body. Peripheral vessel damage will resulting blood flowing unnormaly. Such condition and combining by numb of leg will result wound that difficult to healing. Many diabetes sufferer have to get amputating of their leg because of this condition. Wound being difficult to healed because the blood flow is disrupt by broken of peripheral vessel damage.

Condition above will appear in severe diabetes condition. If the complication happen, the illnes will be more difficult to heals because there are body part that have affected by diabetes. One of the most important thing to do is preventive activity to prevent the diabetes grows in the body. Like a word that says "preventing the illness is better than healing it".

Saturday, November 29, 2014

What is Stroke?

Stroke ia a condition that blood flows in the brain is disrupt by certain factor, the condition will make some brain regions get not enough blood suply. If the accident happen in often, it will make the nerve cells broken  and die because get not enough blood. Broken of nerve cells will impact the organ that the nerve control it.

Many stroke sufferer usually can't move their part of body or, if severe, all of body region. If the right brain region broken, the sufferer usually can't move their left body region vice versa. Because our right brain control our left body region and our left brain control right body region.

In US and Europe, Stroke is 3rd disease that causing death. Most of the severe sufferer will die or if they are safe, they will palsied or mute. The broken in the brain is difficult to be solved because in adult people there are no forming new nerve cells. If the broken are light, the body itself will solve the problem, but if the broken are severe, the body may can't solve it.

There are many factor that will develop stroke, most of them are the wrong lifestyle. Diet full of fat are the most factor causing stroke. Bad fat will be deposited in the blood vessel throughout the body and causing narowed blood vessel. The narrow blood vessel will make the blood flowing faster. The faster flowing will increase possibility of vessel to broken down because of high blood pressure. If the broken down vessel happen in the brain, it will develop stroke.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

What is Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic disease that causes the sufferer feel breathless and wheezing. There are millions people in the world suffer asthma and unfortunately the disease cannot be cured. During an asthma attack, the sufferer will feel breathless, but the severity vary from person to person. Breathless accident happen because the lining of bronchial tube swells, causing the oxigen cannot enter the lung in enough number.

There are no medicine to cure the asthma, because the causes of asthma are not understood. But, some factors known to develop asthma, such as allergens, tobbaco smoke, and chemical irritans. The asthma attack can happen in any time and any place, factors above will cause an attack, but if the sufferer fell too tired or too stress, it will also trigger an attack.

Although asthma cannot be cured, appropriate managements will make the sufferer enjoy a good life. Some managements such as maintain body health, not smoking, live in clean area, eat healthy food, maintain stress, and not working too hard will avoid an attack. If the attack not comes, the people will feel happy and enjoy their life like others.

Friday, November 21, 2014

What Causes Cancer?

Cancer is the most disease that causes death in the world. Five major cancers that cause death are lung, liver, stomach, colorectal, and breast cancer. Cancer rises from mutation of single cell that grows uncontrolled and do damage. A single normal cell can transforms into cancer cell by some factors. The factor that causes normal cell transforms into cancer cell called carcinogen. It will changes the normal cell into mutant cell that grows continuesly and can achieves large size. There are 3 types of carcinogens, they are:
  • Physical carcinogens, such as ultraviolet and ionizing factor
  • Chemical carcinogens, such as components of tobacco smoke, aflatoxin, and arsenic
  • Biological carcinogens, such as infection from virus, bacteria, and parasite

Physical carcinogens like ultraviolet is the most causes of skin cancer. People who have white skin color more easier to suffer skin cancer than the brown or black skin people. Melanin, the pigmen that coloring skin is protecting skin from ultraviolet damage, brown and black skin people have more melanin than white skin people.

Tobacco smoke full of toxin that can increase appearing of many disease, included cancer. Nikotin, tar, and other compounds will broke the cell and do damage to the DNA. Our body have mechanism to repair the damage, but if the damaging factor comes continuesly, our body will out of order and finally rise cancer.

Many virus can infect human body and cause disease. Virus acts by injecting its DNA/RNA to host cell then make its copy in host cell. DNA virus sometimes can changes sequence of host DNA, so the host DNA transforms into mutant DNA. 

There are many factors that will cause cancer in our everyday life. Carcinogens exist in our food, our environment, even in the breathing air. To maintain our body health we must carefull to choose our meals and our activity, so we can free from cancer cell.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Most Common Cancer That Cause Death

Cancer is one of the most common disease that causes death. Cancer is term to condition that  cell or tissue growth uncontrolled. The normal cell will stop growth after achieve it's full size, but cancer cell can grow up to unlimited size. If the growth cell happen in the important organs like brain, heart or lung, it will probably cause death.

WHO revealed that there are several cancer case that most common cause death in the world. Following are 6 type of cancer that most common cause death.

Lung cancer (1.59 million death)
If the cancer growths in lung, it may disrupts respiration system. Our body need enough amount oxigen to produce energy. The caner growths will decrease the normal region of alveolus to catch oxigen.

Liver cancer (745 thousand death)
Liver have function to sterilize poison in the body, it also controls the normal ammount of nutrition in the blood circulation. Cancer growths in liver will make the liver don't work properly.

Stomach cancer (723 thousand death)
Stomach is region to digestion process. We need nutrition to produce energy, cancer that growths in stomach will interfere the absorbtion of nutrition.

Colorectal cancer (694 thousand death)
Colorectal cancer happens in colon and rectum region. The region is the place to forming faeces.

Breast cancer (521 thousand death)
Breast cancer don't appears in woman only, but also in man. Although man more rarely suffers this disease than the woman.

Oesophageal cancer (400 thousand death)
Oesophageal cancer happens in oesophagus, or food pipe. We need oesophagus to transfer the foods we ate from mouth to stomach. Imagine that the food can't be transfered to the stomach caused by cancer growths in food pipe.