Friday, November 21, 2014

What Causes Cancer?

Cancer is the most disease that causes death in the world. Five major cancers that cause death are lung, liver, stomach, colorectal, and breast cancer. Cancer rises from mutation of single cell that grows uncontrolled and do damage. A single normal cell can transforms into cancer cell by some factors. The factor that causes normal cell transforms into cancer cell called carcinogen. It will changes the normal cell into mutant cell that grows continuesly and can achieves large size. There are 3 types of carcinogens, they are:
  • Physical carcinogens, such as ultraviolet and ionizing factor
  • Chemical carcinogens, such as components of tobacco smoke, aflatoxin, and arsenic
  • Biological carcinogens, such as infection from virus, bacteria, and parasite

Physical carcinogens like ultraviolet is the most causes of skin cancer. People who have white skin color more easier to suffer skin cancer than the brown or black skin people. Melanin, the pigmen that coloring skin is protecting skin from ultraviolet damage, brown and black skin people have more melanin than white skin people.

Tobacco smoke full of toxin that can increase appearing of many disease, included cancer. Nikotin, tar, and other compounds will broke the cell and do damage to the DNA. Our body have mechanism to repair the damage, but if the damaging factor comes continuesly, our body will out of order and finally rise cancer.

Many virus can infect human body and cause disease. Virus acts by injecting its DNA/RNA to host cell then make its copy in host cell. DNA virus sometimes can changes sequence of host DNA, so the host DNA transforms into mutant DNA. 

There are many factors that will cause cancer in our everyday life. Carcinogens exist in our food, our environment, even in the breathing air. To maintain our body health we must carefull to choose our meals and our activity, so we can free from cancer cell.


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