Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Most Common Cancer That Cause Death

Cancer is one of the most common disease that causes death. Cancer is term to condition that  cell or tissue growth uncontrolled. The normal cell will stop growth after achieve it's full size, but cancer cell can grow up to unlimited size. If the growth cell happen in the important organs like brain, heart or lung, it will probably cause death.

WHO revealed that there are several cancer case that most common cause death in the world. Following are 6 type of cancer that most common cause death.

Lung cancer (1.59 million death)
If the cancer growths in lung, it may disrupts respiration system. Our body need enough amount oxigen to produce energy. The caner growths will decrease the normal region of alveolus to catch oxigen.

Liver cancer (745 thousand death)
Liver have function to sterilize poison in the body, it also controls the normal ammount of nutrition in the blood circulation. Cancer growths in liver will make the liver don't work properly.

Stomach cancer (723 thousand death)
Stomach is region to digestion process. We need nutrition to produce energy, cancer that growths in stomach will interfere the absorbtion of nutrition.

Colorectal cancer (694 thousand death)
Colorectal cancer happens in colon and rectum region. The region is the place to forming faeces.

Breast cancer (521 thousand death)
Breast cancer don't appears in woman only, but also in man. Although man more rarely suffers this disease than the woman.

Oesophageal cancer (400 thousand death)
Oesophageal cancer happens in oesophagus, or food pipe. We need oesophagus to transfer the foods we ate from mouth to stomach. Imagine that the food can't be transfered to the stomach caused by cancer growths in food pipe.


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