Tuesday, December 23, 2014

6 Common Diabetes Complications

Diabetes is a condition that someone has high sugar blood level. The condition happen because of broken of pancreas, so the pancreas don't produce insulin in enough ammount. Insulin is hormon used to enter blood sugar into the cells. If the insulin absent from blood, the sugar will still stay in the blood and raising sugar blood level.

Diabetes in severe condition can resulting some complication to the body. The complication by diabetes often causing death to the sufferer. Complication appear because sugar blood can affect some body part like blood vessel, nerve cells, and heart. Following is 6 complications found in diabetes sufferer.

Blindness is common of diabetes complication. High sugar blood will make Blood vessel around the eyes more fragile and easy to break off. If the blood vessel break off, blood will accumulated in the retina and so the retina will failed to receive lights. Retina that don't get lights means blindness. Often the blindness caused by diabetes come little by little, to results total blindness years later.

Renal failure
Hifh sugar blood level will affect the kidney, so its work will be disturbed. Sugar blood can causing renal failure, its condition that the kidney not work properly because of damage in its tissue. Kidney play important role in filter trash from the blood and throw away to the urin. If the kidney working is failure, it will increase trash ammount in the blood that become poison to the body. The main sign of renal failure is the presence of protein in the urin. Normally protein will not appear in the urin because it is important compund to the body and keep stay in the blood.

Coronary artery disease
Blood vessel in the heart called coronary artery play important role to maintain heart health. Coronary artery will flowing blood to the heart tissue that full of nutrition and oxigen. High sugar blood level may broken the coronary artery and causing coronary artery failure. Such condition will make heart lack of nutrition and oxigen that cause heart failure. Heart failure is highly making dead for human.

One of the worst complication of diabetes is stroke, condition that someone can't move their body part or all their body. Diabetes will broken the blood vessel in the brain and can cause stroke. damaging blood vessel will affect the nerve cells in brain and sometimes will make nerve cells around the broken blood vessel to dead. If the nerve cell dead, what will comand the body to moving? If the broken happe in right side of the brain, the sufferer can't move their left body side vice versa.

Numb of leg
Diaberes often causing numb of leg. The condition will make the leg less reactive to the impuls they get. The sufferer will feel less pain if there are injury in the leg. The condition will make the sufferer don't know if there is injury in their leg, it will result the infection of bacteria to the injury.

Peripheral vessel damage
Diabetes also will broken peripheral vessel of the body. Peripheral vessel damage will resulting blood flowing unnormaly. Such condition and combining by numb of leg will result wound that difficult to healing. Many diabetes sufferer have to get amputating of their leg because of this condition. Wound being difficult to healed because the blood flow is disrupt by broken of peripheral vessel damage.

Condition above will appear in severe diabetes condition. If the complication happen, the illnes will be more difficult to heals because there are body part that have affected by diabetes. One of the most important thing to do is preventive activity to prevent the diabetes grows in the body. Like a word that says "preventing the illness is better than healing it".


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