Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Why We Must Eat Fruits and Vegetables Everyday

Fruits and vegetables are kind of food that usually low calory but very important to our health. Many health expert suggest us to eat enough fruits and vegetables everyday. Why do they say like that?

Actually, fruits and vegetables trully very important to our everyday life. Why? because inside it, we can find much of vitamins and minerals that benefit to our body. We often heard about carbohydrate, protein, and lipid that important to body health. But such nutrition will nonsense if there are not vitamins and minerals as supplement.

Vitamins and minerals are the compound that very important to body metabolism. It play as koenzyme and cofaktor of the active enzyme. Many enzyme will not usable if there are vitamin and mineral bound in it. As coenzyme and cofactor of enzyme it will play in main metabolism process of the body.

If we not consume enough content of vitamins and minerals, we will suffer some disorder. One of the simple disorder if we not consume enough vitamin C, we will suffer scurvy in our lips. But if we consume some orange or other food contain vitamin C, the scurvy will vaish.

Except of vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables also rich of fibers. Structure that important to our digestion process in the gut. Enough consume of fibers will make easier to move bowels. The fibers also will be the matter for bacteri in our gut to produce vitamin K.

If we not enough eat fruits and vegetables will make many disorder come to the body. So we must eat it everyday for health and long life. But you must remember, the fresh one is the best.


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