Friday, November 7, 2014

Lemon Water Will Speeds Up Healing Your Wound

Wound may occur after you have an accident or you take work heavier. Some people will very afraid about their wounds, especially if the wound occur in their faces. Girls will hate this condition due it will lower their beauties. The wound will healed by the body itself, but it is usually take a time. A large wound need more times to healing.

Many people will looking for medicines or some compounds that can be used to speed up healing wound. Something that few people know, there is simple method to speeds up healing wound, it is lemon water. It will help to healing faster due to it is contain much of vitamin C.

Vitamin C will acts as antioxidant to the free radicals, it also important to build new collagen tissues. The tissue is important in healing process, the faster of collagen producing is the faster of healing process. As antioxidant it will help the body to remove toxic that will make wound go badly.

You can drink lemon water everyday and it is safe for your body. You can drink 8 glasses of lemon water a day  if you want. There is no disease found caused by drink to much lemon water. It is safe, easy, and healthy.


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