Honey is good food for our health. Honey can cure many
disease in human body. What disease that can be curing by honey? You can see in
the post “1001 Benefit of Honey”. Honey is thick liquid made by bee, it have
sweet and delicious taste.
Honey that have great benefit to our body is the pure honey.
We can find many brand of honey in the market in different prices. Some of them are not pure caused by adding glucose
sugar to them. The glucose-adding honey usually sold in more cheap prices. To
get the maximal effect of honey we better to buy the pure one, although they
have higher prices.
So, how to detect the pure honey not from their prices? Here
is a simple tips that you can try.
Honey almost made by sugar called fructose that also
contained in some fruit. It have very sweet taste that more sweet than kitchen
sugar or sucrose. To produce not pure honey, the producer usually adding sugar
that called glucose. So can we take conclusion that sugar contain in pure honey
is fructose but in not pure honey there are fructose and glucose.
Very simple tips to detect pure honey is by using ants. Yes,
ants, a little animal that very love sweet food. Ants use sugar as the primer
source of energy, but not all kinds of sugar that can be used by ants to
produce energy. Ants can produce energy only by glucose sugar, they can not
produce from another kinds of sugar.
So if we put a spoon of pure honey in the table, ants will
not attracted to eat due to it’s fructose are not useful to their body. But if
we put a spoon of not pure honey, ants will attracted to close and eats it
greedy, due to it’s cotain glucose that useful to them.
Very simple tips to detect pure honey that can you
practicing by yourself.
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