Sunday, August 17, 2014

Glutathione and the Power of Body

Glutathione is compound that important to our body health. The healthy person can produce glutathione that benefit to much physiological activities. What is glutathione and why it important to our body?

Glutathione have relationship with vitamin C in the body, due to produce glutathione, we must intake enough amount of vitamin C. Consume 1000 mg vitamin C in a day will promote body to produce glutathione.

Glutathione is strong antioxidant, that can destroy free radical that cause many disease. Free radical is compound that have negative effect in our body, it can broken the cells so that can cause cancer and other disease. Glutathione will neutralize the negative effect of free radical so can not broken the cells. 

Body that produce glutathione can we called as full power body. The negative compound that may broken the body health will be attack by gluthatione. Normally our body have immune system that prevent body from sickness, but the presence the glutathione will help the immune system to maintain our body health.

Vitamin C can be obtained from suplemen, vegetables, and many kinds of fruits, but consuming vitamin C from natural source is more better for human body than supplementary vitamin C. The most famous source of vitamin C is orange fruits, the delicious fruits that contain much vitamin C, but obviously there are many source that have higher content of vitamin C than orange fruits like kiwi, chili, and pome. 

Kiwi, other source of vitamin C


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