Saturday, August 16, 2014

Crossword Puzzle And Senility

Some old people will be senile, condition that someone do not know or forget about arounds. Senile people will forget their family, their home, and so on. Senility can happen caused by broken of nerve cells in the brain. Normally, there are approximately 60.000 nerve cells that broken and death in the old people everyday. But, if there are more nerve cells that death higher than normal number will cause senility.

Senility may happen in people that less use their brain to think in their lifetime. People who always use their brain have lower risk to be senile. Some workers that work in hard working that use their muscle instead their brain have high risk of senility.

There are many exercise that found by expert to prevent senility, but all of those based by using their brain everyday. Using the brain to think proved can maintain nerve cell active so decrease the broken of nerve cells. 

The exercise that simple and easy use to prevent senility is doing crossword puzzle. The puzzle will promote our brain activity through find some word that correct to the block. In the nursing home in United States, old people usually have task to solve the crossword puzzle. This activity proved can maintain people to active think so can lower risk of senility. 

Not only for old people, crossword puzzle also usefull to adult people. The adult can do the puzzle everyday to prevent senility as morning as possible, or if you do not like the puzzle you may do other activity that make your brain still active.

Crossword puzzle and other active thinking activity can prevent senility


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