Saturday, September 13, 2014

Diabetes Killed Millions People in a Year

Diabetes, problem caused by high blood sugar is potent to be deadly. Many people die caused by diabetes every year. In 2012 International diabetes federation said that more than 4.8 million people die in diabetes problem. Died by diabetes happen in people age 20 and upper. But half of people who die from diabetes are under the age of 60. See the graphic bellow to figure out the dead in every ages.

Elderly people more frequently die than the younger. Elderly people frail to diabetes due to their body defend are weaken by the age. Elderly people have less activity so they more fragile. Younger people do much activity and frequently take sport make dead number to the young age less than the elder.

Diabetes sufferer must maintain their body to free from danger. They must maintain their meals, take sport regularly, and consume suplemen to maintain level of blood sugar. You can read article about 10 Things That Diabetes Sufferer Must Do to obtain much useful informations.


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