Friday, September 12, 2014

More Than 371 Million People Have Diabetes

Title above is the true fact about diabetes. International Diabetes Federation said that in 2012 371 million people in the world have diabetes. If there are approximately 2 billion people in the world it means there is 1 diabetes sufferer in 6 person. So many people have diabetes.

There is positive correlation between number of population with number of diabetes sufferer in the country. China is the highest country with diabetes sufferer, with 92.3 million people in the country. The second is India with 63 milion people, and follows by USA with 24.1 milion people. 
Here is 10 countries with highest number of diabetes sufferer.

Diabetes sufferer is more many in low and middle-income countries. The fact is 4 out of 5 people with diabetes live in low and middle-income countries. The graphic bellow will show you about the prevalence estimates of diabetes by income group and age.


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